Salient features:
- Well established independent Science Laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology are available with all the required equipments and materials.

- An enormous workshop equipped with all the essential machineries, various automobile engine cut-sections, tool and equipments for High School Technical and H.S.C. Vocational (M.C.V.C.)

- Independent Electrical and Electronic Labs for High School Technical section.
- Electrical lab for H.S.C. Vocational (M.C.V.C.) is fully furnished & well equipped with all necessary machineries, tools, equipments and gadget.
- Electronics lab for H.S.C. Vocational (M.C.V.C.) is well maintained with required equipments, tools, kits & demonstration charts.

- Identifying potential of students & understanding the advanced trends in the field of education, Management has set up a mind storming Robotics Learning Lab in association with John Deere India Pvt. Ltd.
- Attached Sports room and modern well-equipped gym with treadmills, stationary bikes, cross trainer and weight lifts.
- The annual sports meet of the institute is also a prominent event that we conduct on a very systematic way to inculcate true sportsmanship among the students to give the true glory to Sports.
- E-learning and modern techniques are used to update knowledge of students on various subjects.
- A fully furnished, illuminated and well ventilated ICT lab facilitated by N-computing system equipped with projector, printer, webcams, backup and generator.

- OHP is provided in classrooms in primary schools to accommodate different learning styles and multiple intelligences.
- Drinking pure water is especially important for children. Filtered water is good for children’s developing immune systems therefore purified water is provided in Primary Schools.
- Moledina High School & Junior College is the pioneer in conducting the elocution competitions on the life of Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H. that was started way back in the year 1962. Many renowned institutions of today have acquired our idea to conduct various competitions on “Seeratunnabi S.A.W.”
- The management is taking keen interest in innovation in Science and Technology to explore the talents of the students by conducting the applied programs of AWIM and STEM.
- The school is an active participant of the co curricular program on astronomy conducted by IUCAA department of astronomy, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
- Separate staff rooms for ladies and gents teachers.
- Conceptual and innovative teaching by well Qualified staff.
- Career counselling and regular interaction with parents.
- Remedial teaching programmes for weaker students.
- Placement Cell.
- Seminars, Symposia and Workshops for English ,Marathi , Urdu , Science , Technical subjects and Personality Development.
- Scholarships to meritorious students and free ships to economically weaker and deserving students.
- Alumni spread out internationally for jobs & many others have self employed themselves by setting up their own units.