Message From Chairman

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Message from the Chairman:

“A small seed of selfless efforts & ambitions today became a big tree of prosperity, success & progress”

I extend a very warm welcome to Moledina Institutions. We have expanded ourselves from barely two room rented classes to a huge infrastructure comprises of primary to junior college classes.

 We are confident that here the children will receive Quality Education which has the power to provide them protection from the hazards of poverty, labour exploitation, diseases & gives them knowledge, skills and confidence to reach their potentials. We have assembled a team of dedicated & hard working teachers to provide innovative teaching in this modern age. We have realized that we have tasked ourselves the most important responsibility of educating the future generations and to playing a strong role in the movement of creating Prosperous & progress nation.

Identifying potential of students & understanding the advanced trends in the field of education, we have set different platforms in Sports, Skill Development, Science & technology. We have been co-ordinating with leading organizations, institutions and personalities to provide our students a unique & robust educational culture.

            I have observed that the field of education is continuously developing and an institution should always be ready to adopt these developments by providing adequate intellectual & infrastructural facilities. In this regard I am very much thankful to all our patrons, donors and well wishers for giving their hands and providing the funds to fulfill these requirements.

 We are planning to introduce advanced job oriented skill development programs that will help the children to take their career to next level. Now we are accelerating our institutions with new perspective of safety, healthy, & educationally sound environment for learning and teaching, so we are working on proposed plan of new building which are facilitated with all advanced & modern amenities. I am confident that they will always be with us in future also.  I again invite you to join us to push our mission “Peace Through Enlightenment” to next level. Let’s play our role to take our country to the new horizons and be a proud citizen of an Incredible India. May God give us courage & determination to prove equal to the task ahead.

 Mehmood H. Moledina


Chairman, Managing Board